Monday, December 30, 2019

Limits on Campaign Contributions

So you want to give some money to a political candidate. Maybe your congressman is seeking re-election, or an upstart challenger has decided to run against her in the primary and you want to throw some extra cash to the  campaign. How do you do it? How much can you give?   Related: Can You Recall a Member of Congress? Heres what you need to know before you write that check to your congressmans re-election campaign in the 2013-14 election cycle. Question:  How much can I contribute? Answer: An individual can contribute $2,700 at most to a candidate for federal office in a single election cycle. That means you can give $5,400 to a single candidate in an election year: $2,700 during the primary campaign, and $2,700 more during the general election. Related: How Much Did the 2012 Presidential Race Cost? One way many households get around this limit is by having husbands and wives make separate contributions to a candidate. Even if only one spouse has an income, both householders can write a check for $2,700 to a candidate during a single election cycle. Question: If Ive hit that limit, can I give money to someone else to contribute? Answer: No. Federal election laws prohibit someone who has contributed the maximum amount of money to a candidate in one election cycle from giving money to someone else to give. Also, companies are banned from issuing a bonus to employees for the purpose of writing checks to a candidate for federal office. Question:  Can the candidates spend the money however they wish? Answer:  No. There are some limitations on how candidates can spend money. Generally speaking, candidates are not allowed to spend money contributed to campaign funds for any personal use. The money you give to candidates for political office must be spent on campaign operations, though any money left over after an election may remain in the campaign account or be transferred to a party account, according to Federal Election Commission regulations. Question:  What if Im not at U.S. citizen or dont live in the United States? Answer:  Then you cant contribute to political campaigns. Federal elections laws prohibit campaign contributions from non-U.S. citizens and foreign nationals living in the United States. However, those living in the United States legally - individuals carrying a green card, for example - may contribute to federal political campaigns. Question:  What if I have a contract with the federal government? Answer: You are not allowed to contribute money. According to the Federal Election Commission: If you are a consultant under contract to a Federal agency, you may not contribute to Federal candidates or political committees. Or, if you are the sole proprietor of a business with a Federal government contract, you may not make contributions from personal or business funds. You may make a contribution, however, if youre merely an employee of a firm that holds a government contract. Question:  How do I give money to a candidate? Answer:  There are several ways. You can write a check to the campaign,  contribute via  bank transfer, credit card charge, electronic check and even text message. Question:  Can I use Bitcoins to make a contribution? Answer:  No, even though  Bitcoins  are being used to purchase goods and services across the world, Americans are  not yet permitted to use the electronic currency   to support political campaigns or  committees  at the national level  or give to other organizations that seek to influence  federal elections in the United States. Question: What if I dont want to give money to a candidate? Can I give to a party? Answer: Of course. Individuals are allowed to give as much as $32,400 to national political parties and  $10,000 to state and local parties over the course of a calendar year. Related: How to Start Your Own Super PAC You can also give unlimited amounts of money to super PACs, which raise and spend money independent of political candidates but  advocate nonetheless for  the election or defeat of candidates.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Endangered Wildlife Trust - 787 Words

Based on the provided case study, â€Å"Stakeholder Management and the Endangered Wildlife Trust†, written by Gavin Price, I will address the following three questions: 1. What are the main issues of the case? 2. What should the CEO do and why? 3. What lessons have you learnt and how could they be used? Looking at the history of the organisation, it has come a long way since 1979 in developing its brand, reputation and presence in the market. However, with a number of factors outside their control, the main issues that the organisation faces are: * Reduced funding from sponsors, organisations and trustees which is a result from the dip in the economy and organisations are faced with the reality to reduce costs * Strategic†¦show more content†¦This will reduce the issues on funding and green-washing * Develop strategic alliances with other organisations such as the World Wildlife Fund in instances where a joint effort would result in an even large reward for the environment and man kind * There are opportunities to introduce subjects around nature conservation as a career option and study choice in primary and high school. With the level of education and pass rate being as low as it is in South Africa, majority of our youth may be deemed unfit for the corporate workplace, bu t it will open doors into nature conservation and the likes. This will in turn reduce the reliance of the lower income earners on grants for basic survival * In-house, the CEO would need to periodically re-evaluate all projects underway to measure its impact to date, irrespective of which stage in the process it may be. This will allow her to make the necessary changes in funding allocation more easily, providing flexibility to change with the times * Branding and advertising has historically been a sponsored output and how much creative input was provided by the CEO is unknown. Competitions, for instance, can be held where a premium SMS can be sent to vote for the best branding, resulting in an improved brand which has been socialised and proceeds from the SMSs can go to implementing selectedShow MoreRelatedEndangered Wildlife Trust - Should the Ceo Change the Ewts Fundraising Strategy1065 Words   |  5 Pages1. Introduction In 2009, the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) was recognised as one of southern Africa’s largest environmental conservation organisations. The non-profit, non-government organisation grew organically over the course of 35 years by broadening its vision to include â€Å"species, their habitats, ecosystems and the role of the surrounding communities and landowners† (Price, 2010). While this assisted in proving the EWT’s commitment to its cause, this diversification put pressure on the limitedRead MoreAnalyzing The Picture From 60 Of The Most Powerful Advertisements891 Words   |  4 Pagesad was produced by the Endangered Wildlife Trust, the ad has many points of ethos examples. The Endangered Wildlife Trust is a non profit organization that helps save animals from getting hurt in their actual environment. Any endangered animal on the multiple pages of the endangered wildlife list they have they will get out to catch the animal to reproduce and provide a safe non e ndangered habitats for the animal. They show the different ways that people hurt these endangered animals and the waysRead MorePersonal Experience: My Interest in Tigres855 Words   |  3 Pagesrisking his life. As a matter of fact, for my first, second, and third birthdays my parents bought me a Winnie the Pooh theme cake. I wasn’t aware that several species of tigers were endangered until I started researching endangered species. As I was researching tigers, I came across the Sumatran tiger, an endangered tiger found only on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. One threat this tiger is facing is habitat loss due to logging, mainly from the palm oil industry. 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Is there a need to take every last bit of our wildlife at the expense of our capitalist society? It seems that humanity’s interactions with wildlife has been based on ignorance and theRead MoreAnimals Back Into The Wild1671 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract The release of animals back into the wild plays a substantial role in the welfare of them and in the conservation of endangered species. Despite the importance in the welfare and conservation, another reason to release wild animals is the scientific purpose considerations, such as monitoring diseases, and environmental problems. The factors that should be considered in a releasing process are divided in six areas: the ability of the animals to acquire and process food, ability to avoidRead MoreManatees, The Gentle Giant Is Going Extinct Essays1110 Words   |  5 Pagesgrass and surface regularly to breathe. They reside in sea grass beds and in mangroves that provide them with shelter. The West Indian Manatee is listed as vulnerable under the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and may eventually be listed as endangered. They are at a huge risk of decline due to coastal development and other changes to the environment (Auil). Manatees are facing countless risks and deaths as the hu man population increases in varying locations. According to the National GeographicRead MoreResponsible Stewardship Of Wild And Marine Life1508 Words   |  7 Pagesgiven into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all†. Daniel 2:38 The above mentioned scripture from the Holy Bible may be interpreted in many ways, but in regards to stewardship, it displays God’s overwhelming trust in mankind to protect and preserve the wildlife that he created. Even so, stewardship should not be taken lightly. It is a privilege bestowed upon mankind that not only embellishes God’s plan to protect what he created but it also gives mankind a moral and ethical responsibilityRead More Golden Lion Tamarin Reintroduction Program Essay1026 Words   |  5 Pagesdestroying the delicate web and irreparably damaging ourselves as well. We cut down entire jungles into grazing land, irrigate vast deserts into golf courses, seal up marshes for business offices, dump toxic waste in the oceans. Since the passage of the Endangered Species Act in 1973, many animal and plant populations have been brought back from the brink of extinction. But many more have been lost and there are still nearly a thousand names on the list, and tha t is even an understatement of the true dangerRead MoreThe Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse1633 Words   |  7 PagesThe salt marsh harvest mouse is listed as an endangered species in 1970s. Its phylogeny is of the Kingdom Animalia, the Phylum Chordata, the Class Mammalia, the Order Rodentia, the Family Cricetidae, the Genus Reithrodontomys, and the Species raviventris. The closest living relative of the salt marsh harvest mouse, according to genetic mapping, is the plains harvest mouse, R. montanus, a western interior species that are found in Mexico and central US. Within the species of R. raviventris there

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Palliser analysis Free Essays

International University Vietnam Bachelor of Commerce Program Assignment Cover Page Question: Companies internationalist for a variety of reasons and in a variety of ways. Discuss a major issue that a company will face while internationalization and how it may manage this challenge. Use examples from real companies to illustrate your points. We will write a custom essay sample on Palliser analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Essay: In the world, many companies want to internationalist to expand or find a potential market but they must face many issues, such as red tape, language and cross culture. This essay will analyze a major issue of lacking control in quality of products ND capacity of employees of Coca-cola when they internationalization and how the firms solved this problem. According to Bartlett and Shoal model, Coca-Cola chooses global strategies because they need to reduce the cost of production and it also becomes a reason why they internationalist. Additionally, Coca-cola entry into China because of three advantages of Dunning motive model. Firstly, Coca-Cola has their own pattern and strong brand image, so they can compete with local companies easily (Lily et al 2013). In addition, Lily et al (2013) states that they also have location advantages of low labor cost, the significant domestic market and high economic growth of China. Finally, this internationalization advantages is that they have the agreement with big food company in China (Lily et al 2013). The problem of lacking control affect mostly to the Coca-cola when they can improve the quality and also manage the employees. Therefore, the plan to expand the market can be influenced and it also can decrease the reputation of the company. The main issue is that it can reduce the sale volumes, so the profit can be decreased significantly because China s the potential market with large population. Coca-cola make a decisions to become a FED company to solve the issue and they apply Pascal model and entry mode to entry in to China to clearly show each step they done carefully which depend on the China’ situations. For the first step, they export their products to China and then, they sign a franchise contract with a Chinese bottling partner in 1979 when Chinese government apply tight regulations (Lily et al Addax Consulting 2013). Secondly, Lily et al (2013) points out that in 1985, they invest money in a Chinese firm to make this come a Joint venture firm and in 1993 they built their own subsidiary to become a FED firm when Chinese government had changed their policies to attract more FED. According to the Coca-Cola Company (n. D), the company established bottling operations in France, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Belgium, Italy, Peru, Spain, Australia, Philippines and South Africa from 1920 to 1930. COMIC (n. D) claims that two bottling plants were establish in China and the bottles were imported from the plants in Philippines. Coca-Cola depends on these two models to improve their power n term of control quality of product and capacity of employees. From an exporter to become a Joint venture, they can control a part and then, they can control all when they building their own factories. They show clearly their wants for develop in the China’s market. How to cite Palliser analysis, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Goya Essay Example For Students

Goya Essay His name, Francisco Goya, born in 1746, one of Spains most innovative painters and etchers; also one of the triumvirateincluding El Greco and Diego Velzquezof great Spanish masters. Much in the art of Goya is derived from that of Velzquez, just as much in the art of the 19th-century French master douard Manet and the 20th-century genius Pablo Picasso is taken from Goya. Trained in a mediocre rococo artistic milieu , Goya transformed this often frivolous style and created works, such as the famous The third of May, 1808, that have as great an impact today as when they were created Goya was born in the small Aragonese town of Fuendetodos (near Zaragoza) on March 30, 1746. His father was a painter and a gilder of altarpieces, and his mother was descended from a family of minor Aragonese nobility. Facts of Goyas childhood are scarce. He attended school in Zaragoza at the Escuelas Pias. Goyas formal artistic education commenced when, at the age of 14, he was apprenticed to a local master, Jos Luzan, a competent although little-known painter in whose studio Goya spent four years. In 1763 the young artist went to Madrid, where he hoped to win a prize at the Academy of San Fernando. Although he did not win the desired award, he did make the acquaintance of Francisco Bayeu, an artist also from Aragn, who was working at the court in the academic manner imported to Spain by the German painter Anton Raphael Mengs. Bayeu (the brother of Goyas wife) was influential in forming Goyas early style and was responsible for his participation in an important commission, the fresco decoration of the Church of the Virgin in El Pilar in Zaragoza. In 1771 Goya went to Italy for approximately one year. His activity there is relatively obscure; he spent some months in Rome and also entered a composition at the Parma Academy competition, in which he was successful. Returning to Spain about 1773, Goya participated in several other fresco projects, including that for the Charterhouse of Aula Dei, near Zaragoza, in 1774, where his paintings prefigure those of his greatest fresco project, executed in the Church of San Antonio de la Florida, Madrid, in 1798. It was at this time that Goya began to do prints after paintings by Velzquez, who would remain, along with Rembrandt, his greatest source of inspiration. By 1786 Goya was working in an official capacity for King Charles III, the most enlightened Spanish monarch of the 18th century. Goya was appointed first court painter in 1799. His tapestry cartoons executed in the late 1780s and early 1790s were highly praised for their candid views of everyday Spanish life. With these cartoons Goya revolutionized the tapestry industry, which, until that time, had slavishly reproduced the Flemish genre scenes of the 17th-century painter David Teniers. Some of Goyas most beautiful portraits of his friends, members of the court, and the nobility date from the 1780s. Works such as Marquesa de Pontejos show that Goya was then painting in an elegant manner somewhat reminiscent of the style of his English contemporary Thomas Gainsborough.